Listen for the Lie Book Review

Listen for the Lie

by Amy Tintera

Publisher: Caledon Book, a division of MacMillan Publishers
Ginasbookreport Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Genre: Mystery / Thriller / Psychological Mystery
Read This If You Love: Megan Miranda / Fans of true crime podcasts

“A podcaster has decided to ruin my life, so I’m buying a chicken.”

Lucy’s best friend was murdered and everyone thinks she did it. But it could never be proven. Hell, even Lucy isn’t sure she DIDN’T do it. Enter podcaster Ben who sets out to solve the case many years later. It uproots the life Lucy had managed to carve out for herself (dark humor intended), and she is thrust back into the black hole of her life that she simply cannot remember. What Lucy does know is that she has a little voice in her head constantly saying, “Let’s kill…” 

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Having been in a mini reading slump, this was the right book at the right time for me. It’s a very fast read and I was hooked from the first page. Unlike other “podcast” based novels that are so popular right now, this one embraced a lot of dark humor and that made me invest in the character of Lucy even more. Odd, right? Anyway, this is a book that is perfect for those who binge listen to true crime podcasts or enjoy a good twisty story of whodunnit. Additionally, the side characters were well developed and I couldn’t get enough of the grandmother. I could use a book that dives into her back story!

