The Tainted Cup Book Review

The Tainted Cup

by Robert Jackson Bennett

Publisher: Del Ray, Penguin Random House
Ginasbookreport Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.5
Genre: Mystery / Fantasy / Urban Fantasy / Science Fiction
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“You’re saying someone weaponized a contagion?”

The Tainted Cup by Robert Jackson Bennett is an excellent urban fantasy mystery novel. Set in the Empire of Khanum, Din (an apprentice investigator and engraver) is assigned to the quirky and mysterious Ana Dolabra. An Imperial officer is dead and the investigation into his possible murder threatens to unravel a plot that could bring down the Empire. While everyone else is focused on the dangers of approaching leviathans, Ana and Din must solve the mystery before the entire security of realm is in jeopardy.

Ana and Din are a fantastical version of Holmes and Watson with hints of Nero Wolfe. From Ana’s brilliance and eccentric investigation techniques to Din’s clever ways to manage situations first-hand and communicate with Ana like others cannot, the comparisons to Holmes/Watson are many and I loved it. Can’t wait to read future novels in this series!

From a fantasy perspective, I found the writing to be super descriptive, which built a clear picture of an alternative world full of magic and mystery. 

“The great and heavenly Empire of Khanum had long ago perfected the art of shaping life, root and brand, and flesh and bone. And just as the kirpis shroom in the corner had been altered to cool and clean air, I, as an Imperial engraver, had been altered to remember everything I experienced, always and forever.”
