The Heiress Book Review

The Heiress

by Rachel Hawkins

Publisher: St. Martin’s Press
Ginasbookreport Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Genre: Mystery / Thriller / Suspense / Horror / Gothic
Read This If You Love: Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil

“There should be some kind of warning when your life is about to change forever.”

The McTavish family is a wealthy bunch who own and run the town of Tavistock from their palatial Ashby House. When Ruby is kidnapped and returned as a child, it’s just the beginning of the tragedies that befall the family. The bodies and secrets start to pile as high as their beloved North Carolina mountains. 

Rachel Hawkins strikes again and IMHO, The Heiress is her best book yet. The McTavish family is packed full of characters who are deplorable and you just love to hate them. You simply won’t be able to put this book down until you have devoured the entire thing. It’s so perfect for fans of gothic novels. 

I was a bit on the fence about The Wife Upstairs and all the comparisons to Jane Eyre. However, I found The Heiress to be a much better hat tip to an older piece of writing. (If you are a well read of classics and plays, I’m sure you will pick up on the retelling within the first quarter of the book.)
