We Are the Light

We Are the Light

by Matthew Quick

Publisher: Avid Reader Press, an imprint of Simon & Schuster
Ginasbookreport Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.5
Genre: Literature / Fiction
Read This If You Love: Now Is Not the Time to Panic

“Sometimes you have to bend to not break.”

When the town of Majestic is the latest scene of massive tragedy, the survivors must find a way to process their pain and loss. Told through letters written by Lucas to his analyst Karl, we follow how Lucas helps take care of his community and how they help take care of him. Leaving no stone unturned, Quick doesn’t back away from showing pain in its awful realness.  

We Are the Light is a breathtaking look at how we process grief, healing, and understanding. The character development is so deep and strong…a full depiction of a person as a whole—the concept and recognition that we are not all good and not all bad. While the backdrop of the Majestic Theater tragedy is horrific and gut-wrenching, We Are the Light to me was really about how we heal from trauma and how much of our own healing we accomplish through helping others to recover. It has often occurred to me that as compassionate humans, we are much better at assisting others through their own lives than we are at taking care of ourselves. The survivors in the novel illustrate that so well that I often found myself with tears. 

It feels odd to say I “enjoyed” this book because of the content, but I really found the writing and story very touching. It won’t be a novel for everyone, but it is a topic and look at grief that is important. 

“…some sort of higher force was dropping bread crumbs and that maybe this moment was the first crumb we had actually picked up…”

