Sad Cypress

Sad Cypress

by Agatha Christie

Publisher: William & Morrow, an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers
Ginasbookreport Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Genre: Cozy Mystery / Mystery 
Read This If You Love: Cozy mysteries and legal thrillers

Come away, come away, death,
And in sad cypress, let me be laid;
Twelfth Night

Elinor is on trial for murdering Mary…did she do it? She would have motive as her expected husband was in love with Mary. Plus, all her aunt’s money is up to be inherited. Enter Poirot who unravels every step of what happened.
“Old sins have long shadows.”
Sad Cypress is in the Hercule Poirot series and is unique as one of the only Christie novels to partially take place in a courtroom. You get a legal thriller in the first half and a cozy mystery detective novel in the second half before it all comes together. In her typical writing style, the book flows through mostly dialogue and all the clues are there for you to solve…if you are as observant as Poirot!

This was a re-read for me, but I read it when I was in junior high, so plenty of time had passed (ha!) for me to forget it all so it was sort of brand new. Sad Cypress meets the Jealousy prompt for the Agatha Christie 2023 read along. If you are a fan of Christie or cozy mysteries, you can sign up and join in the year-long #ReadChristie2023 challenge.

(This is my ReadChristie2023 reading journal spread.)

