The Stranger Upstairs Book Review

The Stranger Upstairs

by Lisa M. Matlin

Publisher: Bantam Books, an imprint of Random House
Ginasbookreport Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Genre: Mystery / Thriller / Suspense / Gothic
Read This If You Love: Fans of Darby Kane books

“Most people sweep monsters under the bed. I pull the covers back and let them crawl in.”

The Stranger Upstairs hits the ground running and doesn’t let up. Sarah is a therapist and a bit of a self-help guru with an Instagram addiction. She decides to invest all her efforts into renovating Black Wood House, the notorious home where murders were committed. Along the way, she might want to restore her marriage as that has completely crumbled, as well. Everything is turning into a nightmare and nothing is what it seems.

This novel is the pinnacle of a haunted house story for those looking for a spooky read. The narrative is woven together via traditional writing, website entries, news articles, and voice/text messages. It all feels very much like a modern day horror story. The way that Matlin writes suspense really puts you on edge for what will happen next. For example,…

“Silence. The wind stops abruptly. They’ve closed the door. Downstairs, the floorboards creak, creak, creak, like someone’s tiptoeing. I shake at the thought of someone creeping around my house in the darkness.”

Yeah. I jumped out of my skin that evening when I got up to use the restroom and came back to find my husband standing next to the bed!!! Yes, I screamed and then I blamed it all on “the book I’m reading freaked me out!” Ha! That’s a sign of a good spooky read. All in all, a fantastic effort for a debut novel. I’ll be watching out for future books by Matlin.
