Iron Flame Book Review

Iron Flame

by Rebecca Yarros

Publisher: Red Tower Books
Ginasbookreport Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Genre: Fantasy / Romantasy
Read This If You Love: Fourth Wing / Game of Thrones

“I lace my fingers on top of my head and look away, waging war with the grief, the pain, the never-ending guilt, and as usual, I lose.” 

Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros and The Empyrean series is the book craze of 2023, for sure. This series is EVERYWHERE. While I typically don’t get drawn into a crowd when it comes to books, I’m fully in for this series. Divided into two parts, Part One of Iron Flame could have been a complete novel. I loved that section. Part Two faltered a bit for me until the last 100 pages or so. Why? I just don’t enjoy the drippy romance scenes. I’m here for the world-building, the complex relationships, the ‘who will win’ scenes. I found Iron Flame to have a bit more romance in it (or spicy scenes, as some call them) than Fourth Wing, so I give the edge to Fourth Wing as my favorite of the two. However, I was thoroughly entertained by Iron Flame and am already anxious for the third book. 

Iron Flame picks up where the first book left off and we are once again following Violet as she works to uncover the truth of the past and how that impacts the present day. Yarros did an excellent job of building a world and, in this book, it keeps expanding and there is so much more to learn. 

“Violence, remember it’s only the body that’s fragile. You are unbreakable.”

