Zero Days Book Review

Zero Days

by Ruth Ware

Publisher: Gallery / Scout Press
Ginasbookreport Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Genre: Mystery
Read This If You Love: The Italian Job

“I stopped dead.”

Jack is a pen tester who comes home to find her husband murdered. Who did it and why? We spend the entire novel with Jack on the run.


Often billed as the modern Agatha Christie, Ruth Ware is one of my favorite modern mystery authors. However, Zero Days wasn’t in that same vein and instead was more of an action thriller. While many people enjoy this genre of a constant physical chase, it is not for me. I want more of a plot with characters I can invest in and cheer on. I found Jack to be a daft character who drove me nuts. How was she so slow on the uptake about what was going on and who was responsible? From the first page, we are on the go with Jack and it doesn’t stop until the last page. For me, that was far too strung out and overall the book could have been 100 pages shorter. 

Will I still happily read all future Ruth Ware books? Absolutely. I do appreciate when an author wants to write something different, and I’m sure there is an audience for this type of book. 

(Side note: Kudos to Ware and the publisher for publishing a book that starts with Z for all of us who are doing the A to Z challenge!)
