Scenes of the Crime Book Review

Scenes of the Crime

by Jilly Gagnon

Publisher: Bantam an imprint of Random House
Ginasbookreport Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Genre: Mystery / Thriller
Read This If You Love: Fans of Pretty Little Liars

“Vanessa has been gone for fifteen years. I should know. I was one of the last people to see her alive.” 

Emily is a screenwriter who sets out to uncover the truth about what happened when her best friend disappeared on a college friend trip. Fifteen years after Vanessa went missing, Emily gathers the same group of women to see if there is a story she can weave into a script. Maybe, she can also find out if she killed Vanessa…she was the last to see her, after all. The story is told through real time/past time and a film script. It adds to an intensity that builds to a crescendo. 

This fast-paced mystery has a dark edge that will keep you guessing about what REALLY occurred. The setting has an atmospheric quality to it that set up a sort of locked-room mystery trope. Add this one to your to be read pile as a good end-of-summer read. 

