The Trade Off

The Trade Off

by Sandie Jones

Publisher: Minotaur Books an imprint of St. Martin’s Press
Ginasbookreport Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Genre: Mystery 
Read This If You Love: Fans of Sandie Jones / What the Neighbors Saw / The Block Party

“People’s lives are being used for clickbait.”

The Trade Off is set in the cutthroat world of UK tabloid journalism where you do anything to get the story…even if that means creating the story. Stella is hell-bent on getting the top job at The Globe and isn’t afraid to practice a little trade off to get subjects to give her the interviews she wants. Jess is new to the tabloid world and has her efforts set on changing the practices for more ethical reporting. The two women are on a collision course of disaster and not everyone will make it out alive. 

I really enjoyed that this book had more meat and depth to the story than Jones’s previous books. The Trade Off felt extra developed with an expansive storyline that is relevant to our own tabloid media world. It’s a toxic industry that can destroy people’s lives, but will it destroy Stella and Jess? If you are a fan of fast binge reads with thrilling suspense, The Trade Off is a good book for you.

