Dark Corners

Dark Corners

by Megan Goldin

Publisher: St. Martin’s Press
Ginasbookreport Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Genre: Mystery / Thriller
Read This If You Love: The Night Swim / podcasts

“The scariest monster is the one that hides in plain sight.”

Rachel Krall is back for another season of her podcast! Dark Corners is the follow up to The Night Swim. (You can read it as a standalone novel, but the previous book is well worth a read.) This time around, Rachel is called in when a suspected serial killer is about to be released from prison. Everything from there snowballs into an enjoyable thrill ride. Told through traditional narrative and podcast episodes, this is a great read for those who binge listen to true crime and wrongful conviction podcasts. Also a great book for readers who like to slowly piece together a mystery. 

I found the overall mystery to be interesting, even if a little predictable. Additionally, the influencer angle to the story and the commentary it conveyed about our social media obsessed society was an added plot device to move the story.
