Fatal Betrayal

Fatal Betrayal

by Barbara Freethy

Publisher: Fog City Publishing
Ginasbookreport Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5
Genre: Suspense / Thriller 
Read This If You Love: Fans of David Baldacci and Vince Flynn

‘“It’s going to be okay,” he said. She really wanted to believe him.’ 

Andi Hart has been solving mysteries since she was a kid and now she is an FBI agent who specializes in finding lost children. When a baby is abducted, Andi is called in and comes face-to-face with her former best friend, Cooper. Why is there so much animosity there? Who took baby Elisa and why? And can Cooper and Andi find her in time? 

Fatal Betrayal is a fast and action-packed FBI suspense thriller. The twelfth book in the Off the Grid FBI series, it still can be read as a stand-alone novel. If you enjoy it, you have an entire backlist of books to read! 

As a childhood fan of Nancy Drew and The Hardy Boys books, I loved the concept that Andi and Cooper used to solve their own neighborhood mysteries. The older years in the book felt more like a high action film or an episode of FBI. The crime solving was mixed with an undercurrent of a complex relationship between Andi and Cooper, but I wouldn’t classify this book as a romance.
