The Ferryman

The Ferryman

by Justin Cronin

Publisher: Ballantine Books
Ginasbookreport Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.75
Genre: Sci-fi/Fantasy
Read This If You Love: Blake Crouch

The Ferryman is a dystopian novel of speculative fiction. Prospera is an island created by the Designer where people can live long and fulfilling lives. When their embedded monitors fall below 10%, they are ferried to the Nursery where they are renewed and their memories are cleared away. They restart a fresh life back in Prospera. Proctor Bennett is a ferryman who guides citizens through the retirement process. He has dutifully done his job with gentleness. But, something is off for Proctor. He has dreams…an unheard of thing in Prospera. His own monitor is starting to unexplainably alter. Then, he is called out to retire a man and it doesn’t go according to protocol. Something is amiss in Proctor Bennett’s world. What is happening around him? What is happening to him? 

This novel is layer after layer of crafted storytelling. The world-building descriptions are so vivid that I was completely immersed. I am a huge fan of season 1 of Westworld and of a TV series Life on Mars. This novel gave me the same immersive and all-encompassing feelings that I had when watching those shows. I couldn’t get through the pages fast enough and just when you think you have it all figured out, there is another layer. All of the angles also bring up thought-provoking questions about our own world. The Ferryman is a novel that will stick with you long after you read the last page. It’s a must-read for sci-fi/fantasy fans, in my opinion.  

Note that I’ve intentionally kept the descriptive text at a 1,000 foot view because I want you to enjoy all the revelations and layers of this fantastic book. 
