Sparkling Cyanide

Sparkling Cyanide

by Agatha Christie

Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers
Ginasbookreport Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5
Genre: Cozy Mystery / Mystery
Read This If You Love: Clue / Fans of C.C. Benison’s Father Christmas Mystery Series

“…rosemary for remembrance.”

Rosemary Barton died at her own birthday table. A year later, six people gather at the table again this time with an empty spot. Rosemary’s complicated relationships have a habit of bringing out the most passionate side of people. Did one of them kill her? Will there be more bodies at the table?

This is the final book in which Colonel Race is featured and this time he is without his friend Poirot. Race puts his MI5 training to work in order to solve this mystery. I read Sparkling Cyanide as part of the #ReadChristie2023 read-along. The April prompt of poison was a perfect fit for this little novel. 
