The Final Curtain

The Final Curtain (Piper Greene Exeter Mysteries #2)

by Lara Bricker

Publisher: Independent
Ginasbookreport Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Genre: Cozy Mystery
Read This If You Love: C.C. Benison Mysteries / The Maid

“…old secrets did have a way of turning deadly.” —Piper Greene

The Final Curtain is the second book in the Piper Greene Exeter mystery series. The first book is Dead on Deadline and while you don’t have to read them both to follow the storyline in the second one, I would recommend reading them in order. This is a very fluffy and light cozy mystery series—lots of quaint town descriptions, mentions of yummy foods abound, and the characters are all full of quirks. 

We are back in Exeter, New Hampshire with our favorite nosy journalist, Piper Greene. Not even a few pages in and she’s done it again…stumbled upon another dead body. The colorful townspeople are in a hubbub over another murder in their little village and Piper is on the case. Will she uncover the truth of why the man was murdered before the police do? Are there any connections to the mysteries fire 50 years ago that burned down the local Playhouse on the same site where the body was found? What are all of these people hiding and why?

Like Dead on Deadline lots of the story is told via Piper’s reporting…both while she is conducting interviews and then the subsequent newspaper/online articles. This keeps the story moving along swiftly and Bricker provides descriptions of the town, food, and settings that really bring the village to life. Although this one seemed to end abruptly, it was a strong final scene and I appreciate it when mysteries wrap up with the solution and don’t go into another final chapter to tie up all the other non-crucial details. 

