Play the Fool

Play the Fool

by Lina Chern

Publisher: Penguin Random House / Bantam Books
Ginasbookreport Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️.75
Genre: Mysteries/Thirlller
Read This If You Love: Cozy Mysteries

When Katie’s friend Marley goes missing, the tarot card reader’s senses go on high alert. She sets out to find who has committed nefarious acts against her friend. Katie finds herself in equally awkward and dangerous situations along the way. Can she psychic her way to solving the disappearance? Told through flashbacks to Marley and Katie interactions and present time, broke the flow a bit, but it was still an interesting read with a surprising amount of humor. The chapters in present time with Nico and Officer Jamie were witty and stronger storytelling. The Jamie and Katie dynamic really drive the second half of the novel.

The book is packed full of interesting and colorful characters that lead it to be more cozy mystery and less crime novel. My personal favorites were Jamie (duh) and Owen. If this continues on to be a series, I hope we get lots more exposure to Katie’s family, as I found those portions of the book to be the strongest writing. If you enjoy lighter mysteries, Play the Fool is a book for you. 

On a personal note, this is the first time I’ve ever encountered my actual birth name (first and last) as a character in a book. Wasn’t expecting that one and given the mystical aspect of the book, it was a bit freaky! 🔮 
