A Mirror Mended

A Mirror Mended (Fractured Fable series)

by Alix E. Harrow

Publisher: Tor.com
Ginasbookreport Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Genre: Sci-fi/Fantasy
Read This If You Love: Wicked / The Ten Thousand Doors of January

Live as happily for as long as you have. - Zinnia

Another piece of writing from the amazing writer, Alix E. Harrow. If you have been reading the blog, you will know that I absolutely fell in love with this author’s writing style and storytelling when I read The Ten Thousand Doors of January. (If you haven’t read it yet, get a copy now!) After finishing that book, I decided to read as much of her work as possible and read A Spindle Splintered, which is the first in the Fractured Fable series. A Mirror Mended is the second in this series.

Since we last saw her, Zinnia Gray has continued eluding death from her rare terminal illness. She has bought herself time by traveling through all the realms of Sleeping Beauty fairy tales. Her latest jump through the space-time continuum lands her in a different and twisted dimension. Zinnia has been distanced from her world, including her former best friend, Charm. She is feeling ever more ungrounded and so are all the realms around her. Has she shattered the timeline? Will she be able to set it right? And will she find love, peace, and happiness along the way?

I didn’t love this one as much as A Spindle Splintered, but it was still a lovely little story with a positive message. A Mirror Mended really reminded me of seasons 1 and 2 of the television show Once Upon a Time. A lot of the same messages that things aren’t always what we think when we see a story through only one view, a desire for every lasting happiness and love, and a need to have agency over our own life.
