The Death of Us Book Review

The Death of Us

by Lori Rader-Day

Publisher: William and Morrow a imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers
Ginasbookreport Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Genre: Mystery / Thriller / Domestic Suspense
Read This If You Love: Broadchurch

“Here’s the thing not everyone understands about crime in a small town: When it goes down big for the first time in a generation—when some farmer gets out his buck-hunting rifle, say, and turns it on his wife—everybody’s asking the same questions: How could it happen? Here, in this quiet town?”

When a car is found submerged in water at the old quarry, Liss Kehoe’s entire life is turned upside down. They might already know who is in the car, but how they ended up there is a bombshell that unleashes a trail of revelations and reckonings. 

First off, if you haven’t been reading books by Lori Rader-Day, you need to get that fixed right away. She is a master writer in the crime fiction genre. Plus, fans of Agatha Christie and historical fiction should not miss Death at Greenway. I love reading Lori’s work, and I think The Death of Us is my new favorite. I was completely sucked into the scenery and the plot. A lot of avid mystery readers are hard to take by surprise with twists and revelations. This book had me gasping with surprise on multiple occasions. It is SO nice to read an unpredictable mystery novel. 

The atmosphere and setting of the town are perfectly painted by the descriptions and the townspeople are fully developed characters. Each person has their own portion of the story and all of the small and tiny events butterfly together to create the climatic reveal of the overall mystery. Just a master class in how to make every action and character in a novel count. The Death of Us is a must read. Go grab yourself a copy!
