The Uncommon Reader

The Uncommon Reader

by Alan Bennett

Publisher: Picador
Ginasbookreport Rating: ⭐️⭐️
Genre: Literature / Fiction
Read This If You Love: The Windsor Knot

“Once I start a book I finish it. That was the way one was brought up. Books, bread and butter, mashed potato—one finished what’s on one’s plate.”

Queen Elizabeth II stumbles upon the traveling library that stops at the castle each week. This sets her off on a journey of reading. Much to the disappointment of her handlers, she changes her daily habits to fit her reading and wants to chat about books and recommend them. This isn’t the Queen they are used to and can manage. 

The Uncommon Reader is a short novella about the love of books and reading. I wanted to love this little book, but I just didn’t find it to be for me. Although I enjoyed the message of the book, the plot lacks in movement. Like the fictional Queen’s quote above, I finished the novella that was on my plate. Now, I will say that the end has a punch to it.

“Books are not about passing the time. They’re about other lives. Other worlds.”

