Dead and Gondola / The Prisoner

Dead and Gondola

by Ann Claire

Publisher: Bantam an imprint of Random House
Ginasbookreport Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Genre: Cozy Mystery / Whodunnit
Read This If You Love: Fluffy mysteries

Dead and Gondola is the first in the new Christie Bookshop series. Yes! That’s right…the series centers around a bookshop that is all things Christie. Perfect for those of us who love mysteries. Set in the charming little hamlet of Last Word, the Christie sisters (no relation) have taken over running The Book Chalet. Everything is picture perfect until a strange man arrives along with a massive snow storm. The sisters find themselves supplying books for the snow-stranded townspeople and investigating a murder and other mysteries. Dun Dun Duuuuunnnnn!!!

I really enjoyed this quaint novel. It’s packed full of colorful characters, including resident cat Agatha. My personal favorite character is Glynis who is the town busy body. Are there tons of references to Agatha Christie? Yes. Did I love that? Yes. I’m sure the overkill won’t be for everyone, but this isn’t meant to be a dark layered mystery series. Take it for what it offers…a light snowbound mystery that pays homage to a star of the genre. Claire uses the locked room/stranded mystery trope via a snowstorm that traps all our suspects in the town and provides a satisfying ending. The book is a nice blend of Christie and Murder She Wrote…very charming and a perfect read for your own snow day. 

The Prisoner

by B.A. Paris

Publisher: St. Martin’s Press
Ginasbookreport Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Genre: Mystery / Psychological Thriller
Read This If You Love: Ruth Ware / Lisa Jewell

Eek! New book alert from one of my automatic buy authors. If you haven’t read any B.A. Paris novels, get yourself to a bookstore or library stat. Seriously, I have read every novel that she has published and I am never disappointed. 

The Prisoner hits the ground running with a middle of the night kidnapping. From there, it is back and forth between the past and present as details unfold. Highly recommend this one for a crisp fall night where you want to consume a good book. I’m intentionally NOT giving a more detailed review so nothing is spoiled! Instead, here is the publisher’s blurb.

Publisher Description: 

Amelie has always been a survivor, from losing her parents as a child in Paris to making it on her own in London. As she builds a life for herself, she is swept up into a glamorous lifestyle where she married the handsome billionaire Ned Hawthorne. 

But then, Amelie wakes up in a pitch-black room, not knowing where she is. Why has she been taken? Who are her mysterious captors? And why does she soon feel safer here, imprisoned, than she had begun to feel with her husband Ned?
