Ginasbookreport: SO MANY BOOKS

Hello and welcome to the Ginasbookreport book blog! I am Gina and I’m a Bookstagrammer and (now) book blogger. The Ginasbookreport blog was born out of my desire to chat about So Many Books. If you have a mile long list of books in your to be read pile, you are in the right place.

šŸ‘‹ Hi, I’m Gina. Reader of So Many Books. šŸ‘‹
Follow me on the blog and Instagram.

Let me tell you a little about myself, my reading, and what you will find on the Ginasbookreport blog. 

Where It Started…

Like a lot of readers, I was that child who always had her nose in a book. (Grounding me didn’t work very well as I would be sent to my room where I was like, “Okay, more time to read!”) My mother, grandmother, and aunts were big influences in my love of reading. Weekly library trips were always on the schedule. I remember so clearly the day that I couldn’t find a book in the kids area that I hadn’t already read. The librarian looked at my grandmother and confirmed that I really had gone through just about everything and that it was time for me to start checking out books from the adult library. This was a bit of a conundrum…finding something for me to read that wasn’t covering topics that I was still too young to process. The solution was Agatha Christie…I could read them with my grandmother, and there were so many to read. I LOVED being allowed to peruse the adult library as a grade schooler. And Then There Were None and Holiday for Murder are still two of my favorite books. 

My absolute favorite novels are mysteries, but I also enjoy literature, sci-fi/fantasy, and horror books. All of these types of books will appear on the blog. Drop your favorite book/author/genre in the comments!

Where It Went…

My love of reading and books eventually led me to a career in publishing as an Indexer, Editor, Managing Editor, and Director of Production. I was actually getting paid to read books! Maybe not the most entertaining of books (technical books, business, finance, and science), but books. I loved working in publishing and then found my love in publishing…literally…my now husband was a co-worker (oops). So two people with a love of reading got married (each table at the reception was a book title instead of a number). As you can imagine, books out number everything else in our cottage. 

What Ginasbookreport Will Offer

Thanks for hanging in for the introduction! Now to the good stuff. On my Instragram account, you will find that I post high-level book reviews. They are straightforward snippets that are SPOILER FREE so you can always feel comfortable reading them without ruining the book. (Via Instagram stories and reels, you can also get peeks at my little dog and my cottage life.) However, I really wanted a space to give more detailed book reviews. Thus, the book blog was born. 

  • Tuesdays will feature the newest books to hit the shelves and Thursdays will feature reviews of books that have been out a longer amount of time. Any spoilers will be at the end of the postings and noted so you can know exactly when to stop if you want to remain spoiler free. 
  • Saturdays will sometimes pop up and feature more article-type posts (i.e., gifts for readers, resources for book lovers, bookstore reviews, etc.).
  • The feature I’m most excited to share with you are Book Club Questions. If you have ever run or attended a book club, you know that coming up with some prompts to jump start the conversation is key. It’s also not always easy. I hope that the questions I post along with my review of a book will be helpful to your book club. (Who knows! Maybe Ginasbookreport will have our own little online book club at some point, too.)
  • Giveaways and readathons…stay tuned as these are also in the works.
There you have it! I hope you subscribe to the blog, follow Ginasbooksreport on Instagram, and find something that you enjoy. I’m always happy to chat books, so feel free to post interactive comments and let me know what you thought about a given book. Please say hi and let me know what types of books you love and anything you hope to see on the blog. Happy reading!


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