The Christmas Murder Game Book Review
The Christmas Murder Game by Alexandra Benedict and narrated by Laura Costello Publisher: Poisoned Pen Press Ginasbookreport Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Genre: Mystery / Thriller / Domestic Suspense Read This If You Love: Agatha Christie “Endgame has kept our secrets for half a century, now it’s time for it, and its secrets, to have a new owner.” The Christmas Murder Game by Alexandra Benedict is a classic locked-room mystery novel set at Christmas. Before Lily’s aunt dies, she sets up one last Christmas game to be played at Endgame House. This year the prize won’t simply be an extra gift, but instead the holder of the key wins Endgame House and all that goes with it. Lily and her cousins all head to the English manor house to play the game, celebrate the holiday, and navigate their complicated family past. However, Lily is there to also uncover the truth behind her mother’s mysterious death. Told via the Twelve Days of Christmas where each day releases a new clue f...